What We Do

A lot of people have an idea of what internet marketing is when it comes to business but how does it look for a church or Christian organization? What can or cannot be done? That is why we use the simple analogy of internet marketing being a tool. For the church, you must get the appropriate tools and you must utilize them correctly. A knife is a tool for eating, but it also can cause great harm. That is where Christ Link steps in to help.

Marketing Is A Tool

Learn about marketing as a tool for the church. We will be releasing blog posts covering how marketing as a tool works for the church and Christian organizations. If you have hesitancy or uncertainty regarding internet marketing join us in this course.

Ax with a wooden handle buried in a log with a blurred background.

What We Do At Christ Link

  • We Build The Tools: We provide free internet marketing and web design for Christian Non-Profits like Churches and Christian organizations.
  • We Teach You How To Use Them: We train your team on how to manage your different marketing outlets. We train your team to assist in the internal communication and unity of your church.
  • We Support You Continually: We work with your team on an ongoing basis since digital media is constantly progressing and advancing. We also have regular meetups with your Church's internet marketing team as well as other Christian internet marketing teams to ensure unity and community as your team serves.

Through this unity and community between believers, we are able to create connections between Churches and Christian Non-Profits. Unity within the Church and among Churches that occurs naturally through service will undoubtedly help further the kingdom of heaven.

To understand what we do better take a look at our process and how we go through different stages with your organization.

To understand what internet marketing looks like for churches and Christian organizations see out policies on internet marketing.

Using the wrong tools.