Free Christian Organization Services

We provide Christian Organizations free web design, internet marketing, social media management, internal media set up and training. At Christ Link we want to help you improve your online presence in order to help make your organization more effective. Being a Christian organization ourselves we know the struggle in growing and developing a nonprofit, running your organization and keeping your mission focused on reaching the lost while also affording to live. That is why we provide a variety of marketing services for free.

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Flexibility in Christian Organization Marketing

There is undoubtedly more flexibility in managing internet marketing for Christian Non-Profit verses a Church's internet marketing. This is due to a Christian organization being more similar to a business in its operation and function. We still approach your organization's internet marketing with the same responsibility, tenacity and care as we do with Church's marketing, but we are able to do more forms of marketing and advertising like PPC.

Learn More About Christian Organization Marketing

To learn more about this service please see our internet marketing process. While this is primarily our process for churches, we approach Christian non-profit organizations in a similar way.