Pay Per Click (PPC) Services

At Christ Link we provide PPC or pay per click online marketing services. PPC is an extremely fast and effective online marketing strategy that allows for your website to appear above Google search results. In Pay Per Click advertising you can target specific locations down to the zip code. PPC is extremely effective because it comes at a cost. You have to pay Google for each click that leads to your website. This is an effective strategy for Christian organizations to increase their website's traffic quickly.

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PPC Services & Optimization for Churches

Note: Sedomly offered for Churches due to our "Marketing & The Church" Policy.

Overview of PPC for Christian Organizations

Pay Per Click Advertising is a form of marketing where you pay for every time someone clicks on your ad. Your ad appears as a Google Search with a small green icon next to it indicating it is an Ad. It is essentially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) without a large amount of time it takes to rank and hyper-targeting your market in order to get effective leads.

How Does PPC Work?

This form of marketing is effective in targeting specific keywords in a targeted area. This is why we don't do PPC for Churches. If we were to take this approach it is essentially placing Churches in competition with each other. If your Church is running a summer camp though, that is an entirely different scenario. We would love to create and run campaigns targeting keywords like "summer camp" in your area. See our philosophy on internet marketing and the Church for more information.

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Our PPC Process

When first starting your paper click advertising we will come up with a select group of keywords that you want your website to appear for in Google. These keywords we will bid on and create strategic ads around to ensure we are reaching our most relevant audience online. During the initial phase, we will discuss the locations that we will target with our PPC marketing our target audience the amount of money your organization wants to spend on a monthly basis. Once we get the initial ad set up we will launch the campaign. During the ongoing phase of PPC we will monitor and optimize the ad’s in your Christian marketing campaigns. This is the most vital part of PPC marketing.

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Step 1: Keyword Research

During this phase, we will research a wide variety of effective keywords to target in your market. We then review these keywords with you to discuss.


Step 2: Create Ads

During this phase, we will create PPC Ad content and get approval from you.

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Step 3: Create Ad Extensions

During this phase, we will make ad extensions that highlight key selling points and information about your Christian Ministry.


Step 4: Determine Demographic Details

During this phase, we will set up the ad targeting by demographics like location and age.

Step 5: Launch The PPC Ads

This is when we will push the initial ads live. After we have your approval and a set monthly budget with your credit card set up, we will be able to have your ads for your Christian organization up and running.

Step 6: Ongoing Optimization

Optimizing your PPC ads continually is extremely important. This will increase your return on investment and allow for responsible management of your investment. We will inform and report on the optimizations we perform as well as the ongoing ROI for your campaigns.

Other Forms of PPC Marketing

The process that you see for PPC is the most basic version of PPC offered. There are a variety of different PPC. From remarketing to social media ads and

PPC Remarketing

Have you ever visited a website and all of a sudden you see their ads everywhere? You are being hit by their remarketing ads. Essentially you were tracked to the site and their remarketing ads are now displaying to you. This is an extremely effective form of marketing, especially when you have an event or clear call to action.

Display Advertising

This form of PPC is extremely similar to PPC Remarketing except rather than targeting people who visited your site, you are targeting certain sites and people through a variety of demographic information. Both of these forms of PPC require our design team to create display ads. Because of this we have a little bit of a different process.

Social Media and PPC

Almost every social media has a form of PPC built into their platform. Some are more effective than others. These can be effective, but I recommend starting with standard PPC on Google after your website is well designed and SEO optimized.

The Cost of PPC Advertising

While we do not charge for your PPC management, Google charges for each time your ad is clicked on. For this service you have to determine how much you want to spend per month and then we will make sure your ad spend does not surpass this budget.

As we optimize the campaign, your budget can remain the same, and we will be able to make it more effective. Increasing the number of clicks that your budget can get. Through ongoing optimization and PPC management, we are able to lower the cost per click for certain keywords. What this means is you may be spending $500 for 400 clicks your first month and by the fifth month you could be spending $500 for 800 clicks. We would be taking your investment and increasing the return.

The average Internet marketing company would charge you a management fee of around $400. For larger accounts, internet marketing companies charge up to one to $2000 for monthly management. We do not charge for this because we want your money investment to go towards the PPC ads so you can get more people to see your Christian organization and to become aware of your services. This way you will have a greater impact and be able to share the love of Christ.