Why The Church Should Be Doing SEO Marketing

SEO And The Church?

In the video and script below you will understand the purpose of SEO, what it could look like for the church and why we should be doing it. Learn about it, and join us in our mission. I want to encourage you to volunteer at Christ Link to help us in our mission.


Video Script And Additional Notes

Hello today we are talking about search engine optimization SEO and why it is important for Christian organizations and the church to use it. So the first question is, “what in the world is SEO?” SEO is basically showing up higher in Google. When somebody search is a question you’re the first one at the top that is SEO.

SEO And The Church

Well that is nice and all, but why would that matter to churches? It matters because of how it is used. When we search on Google we might be searching for open “restaurants”, or “where can I get this?”, “how can I build that?”. Most searches are for information, not for purchases. Most searches are to find an answer.

People Are Going To Google With Their Questions

In today’s digital age people are not going to their pastor for biblical answers. We aren’t going to our family or parents for life answers, we are going to Google. That is where people are going and that is very dangerous because a lot of those places ranking at the top are businesses trying to sell you something.

Additionally, this is extremely dangerous because marketing in its rawest form is essentially playing on people’s emotions so they make a purchase. Essentially top ranking pages designed by marketers are focused on telling you what you want to hear (not what is true) so you make a purchase.

Example Of Google Search & The Church

I’m going to give you an example. If you type in biblical inerrancy, well, if you type it in when this video was created, The first thing that shows up is a Wikipedia article going over the basic definition and history of biblical inerrancy. The second thing that shows up is an article titled, “Why Biblical Inerrancy Doesn’t Work”. This is a lie. I’m giving away my views on Christianity, but that is a lie within the Christian community, and that is the second thing that shows up.

Google And Biblical Inerrancy

We may be teaching biblical inerrancy one Sunday every four years within our church, or at men’s bible study, but when people are looking for that answer, when they are being questioned by people at work and they are thinking about it, the first thing they are going to see besides a definition is an article on why biblical inerrancy doesn’t work.

THAT is why churches and Christian organizations need to do SEO. Churches are teaching and preaching biblical truth weekly. They are truly creating valuable information but they are not utilizing it online.

It Is Not Google’s Fault That Article Is Ranking So High

Some people might look at that Google ranking and think, well that article on biblical inerrancy is ranking towards the top because of Google. As an Internet marketer, I know it is not because of Google that it is ranking towards the top. Actually Google wants to show you articles you agree with more than they want to show you articles you disagree with. I know if a church was maintaining their website’s SEO and I were to take a lesson they taught on biblical inerrancy, convert the video to text, add the lesson notes in, and correctly structure and write an article on the topic of Biblical Inerrancy, that page would probably be ranking first.

Google Can’t Read Videos

I know you might be thinking,”Oh we put the lesson online!?”. That is not SEO. SEO requires you to correctly structure the information and optimize it. Google can’t read videos. Since Google can’t read videos, the recordings of your sermon are not presented in a format that is useful for Google. That is why I created a video and then wrote a video script. Google can read what is written, not a video.

Learn About Christ Link

That is one of the goals of Christ Link. To help your Christian organization, your church to not sell but to point to Christ. Learn about us and our mission on our about us page. We have our history and all of that fun stuff.

Join Christ Link

I would love for you to consider joining our team. Even if you don’t know internet marketing you can pray, you can write, and we can train you on internet marketing. Join us in our mission to help Christian organizations reach and save the lost.