September 2022 Newletter & Prayer Requests

This month our team members and the non-profits that we get to work with are trained on design for websites. Hannah got a picture of training in action so check out the crew below! You can also check out the team on our fancy new team page.

Our September Prayer Requests

Please continue to be praying for God to use our organization and for Him to be at the forefront of everything we do. 

September 2022 prayer requests:

  • Wisdom for our board as we make decisions and plan for developing 2023 fundraising, team events, overall growth, and sustainability.
  • Pray for the board to grow by a few more members in the next few months. 
  • Pray for finances to purchase supplies like paper and ink or brochures. We will need these since we plan to go to churches and speak about Christ Link. (Donate to Christ Link!)
  • Pray for God to be developing leaders within the Christ Link team. Also, He would put people in place on the teams where they are needed and where they should be serving.
  • As the team develops in training and skills that they would work in unity. As we grow we want to make sure there is unity between our team members and different teams. Everyone is presently getting along and having fun working to grow Christian organizations’ websites, we want our team’s roots to grow deep and for there to always be unity between team members.

September’s Meetup: Intro to design

This month’s training revolved around design. Design is applicable to websites and all the physical and digital marketing material that is used by a company. 

We started out the meeting by talking again about the Equip program that CMTS is running. We are really excited that their student’s attend these trainings. In order to help align ourselves with the ministries that we support, we will be pivoting our training to a school year schedule versus a calendar year. This means that Christ Link is going to be doing an abridged year one training program hosted at CMTS to catch people up so that every one is at the same starting point come September 2023. Pray that if God would have you volunteer that He starts working on your heart now! 

The idea of Intro to Design is to discuss the importance of visual appeal and identity in a company. This includes branding, style, and perception. To make this practical, we dialogued through the visuals of the nonprofit websites that Christ Link gets to serve. We covered what the purpose of branding is and how important is it to know your mission, purpose, and customer base. We discussed aspects of branding, style, and perception of the websites that we work with as well. 

The thought of learning all there is to design can be really overwhelming but we emphasized that it takes time and practice and continued learning. We’re not aiming for perfection, just continuous improvement.

September’s Board Meeting

September’s board meeting was postponed until October. While we didn’t meet in person, we have a plan to ask some people to prayerfully consider joining our board. 

Also, Christ Link has been receiving a lot of interest from people outside of our local community looking to serve in our ministry. As a board, we look forward to diving into the possibility of expanding our current volunteer network but we want to make sure we are doing it in a manageable way that works with a ministry vision. When we meet up in person again we will be discussing what this could look like.