April 2022 Newsletter & Prayer Requests

After our team’s first month focusing on their own independent focused trainings we had an in-person workshop focused on keyword research and blog post research. This training was different from all of the past meetings because we got to work together as a team in a whole new way!

There were a few fun successes and we are so excited for next month’s training and workshop where we will be creating blog posts and articles.

April 2022 Prayer Requests

As always we like to open with our prayer requests. A lot of them will be similar to last month’s so let us continue to be praying for God to use our organization and for him to be a the forefront of everything we do.

  • Pray for our board to grow. We will be having a few people sit in and see what our board is like this coming month. Pray for effective followers of Christ to be put in place on the Christ Link Board that will uphold the vision of Christ Link and can help further the mission of Christ Link.
  • Wisdom for our board as we make decisions and plan for developing 2023 fundraising, team events, overall growth, and sustainability.
  • Pray for finances to purchase supplies like paper and ink or fliers. We will need these since we plan to go to churches and speak about Christ Link. (Donate to Christ Link!)
  • Pray for God to be developing leaders within the Christ Link team. Also, He would put people in place on the teams where they are needed and where they should be serving.
  • Pray for the nonprofits we work with to be blessed and to grow in their marketing and online presence.
  • As the team develops in training and skills that everyone would work in unity. As we grow we want to make sure there is unity between our team members and different teams. While we all are getting along and having fun working to grow Christian organizations’ websites, we want our team’s roots to grow deep and for there to always be unity between team members.

April’s Meetup: Blog Research & Keyword Research Workshop

As mentioned in the introduction we had a blast this month working together on researching blog posts and articles as well as effective SEO strategies for content creation.

While the writing team, web design team, and different nonprofits worked on their web structure and blog research tasks the design team needed a little bit of a different assignment. Our one team member Katie took a few photos so you can see the team at work (as seen in this blog post). Another team member Jeremy created a brand new graphic for CEF of Schuylkill County. The new graphic replaced a pretty rough one that was created 3 years ago by me (Wesley), The visual graphic was a major upgrade to the Good News Club page.

We were also able to schedule our strategy meetings with the different nonprofits. Throughout the year we have dedicated months where we meet with the different nonprofits and take a close look at their marketing and website as a whole. At this meeting, we take the time to develop a marketing strategy for the year. We break down keyword research as well as effective tasks to improve the website’s rankings.

Are You Interested In Helping Christian Organizations??

Consider joining Christ Link in 2023. As we grow and develop as well as adding on more nonprofits we can only remain effective with a large and continually growing group of volunteers. Everyone at Christ Link is a volunteer and we have continued to grow and strengthen as a team because our ministry is high impact on helping Christian organizations share the gospel.