Are You Using Internet Marketing As A Tool
If any of you have spoken to me or asked me about what internet marketing is – by the way, my name is Wesley, pleased to meet you (awkward online handshake). Like I was saying, if I have ever discussed internet marketing in person with you I have probably pointed out that internet marketing is a tool.
As Churches and Christian organizations, we have a tendency to look at internet marketing and websites in two completely different ways. Internet marketing is the best thing in the world vs. internet marketing is the worst thing in the world. I’m excited to tell you that both of those are incorrect. Internet marketing is simply a tool. Just like a hammer or an ax for instance. To attribute more to the internet is just humans trying to act like they don’t use tools for bad things.
A Stolen Analogy
First, this analogy is not my creation. I read it in a book years ago and I loved it so much because it makes the concept of a tool so clear. A tool is neither good or evil. How a person utilizes a tool can be good or evil. So let’s begin. An ax is a tool.
Using Tools To Do Good
An ax is a pretty great tool. You can use it to get firewood so you don’t freeze to death in the winter. It can play a role in building a home. It can even be used to defend the weak. Using the tool correctly and responsibly results in great benefits for mankind. Paul Bunyan is an example of an expert who can wield an Ax to do great things.
Using Tools To Do Evil
Lizzie Borden was a crazed ax murder in history. If we were to define axes by her usage of them we would say they are pure evil and should no longer exist. But it wasn’t the ax that was evil, it was the actions of the wielder.
Not Knowing How To Use The Tool
There is another category that is often overlooked. And that is the unskilled ax wielder. A child needs to learn from their dad how to use the ax responsibly and with respect to ensure they don’t hurt themselves or someone else.
Back in 2003, Chris Hanson, the kicker for the Jacksonville Jaguars was using an ax. The coach had placed a log in the gym so when the players had an intense day they could go up to the log and hack at it with the ax. This was to symbolize them working away at their skills while also being a motivational tool. Chris Hanson ended up playing with the ax and cutting his foot! He was unskilled with the ax and using it irresponsibly.
Churches Using Internet Marketing
Most churches fall into the category that do not know how to use the tool of internet marketing. They have no idea how to use internet marketing correctly or responsibly. As they are swinging like crazy, they will eventually sink an ax into someone’s leg, or worse drive people away from Christ. This is, of course, no fault of their own, yet we should learn how to use it responsibly if we are going to use it at all.
- How can a church do internet marketing safely?
- What is Internet Marketing outside of being a tool?
- Should We Do Internet Marketing?
- What are the Pros & Cons of Internet Marketing?
- What are the dangers of starting Internet Marketing suddenly in our church?
- Who is going to run our church’s internet marketing?
- How can churches use their online presence to represent Christ in a digital world?
This is where Christ Link steps in to help.
How Christ Link Supports Your Church & Christian Organization In Using Internet Marketing As A Tool
Christ Link is designed to train your staff and volunteers to use internet marketing correctly. We coach your team while taking care of the more difficult tasks. We also have an internal team designed to review your online presence and give your board reviews or a “report card”. This way as a pastor or elder you can sleep soundly that your church is representing Christ well. We’ve established core internet marketing guidelines for Christian organizations. All of this is done with the purpose of furthering the Church’s reach in representing Christ and spreading the gospel.
Just a note, we are not above the law. Our internal team reviews Christ Link and sends a report to the board as well. This ensures we work with integrity and are constantly responsible in our doctrine.
Learn More about Internet Marketing
Want to learn more about using internet marketing as a tool? Subscribe to receive our emails, follow us on Facebook and watch our YouTube videos. I can’t wait for you to start this journey and learn the fine details of internet marketing for your church.